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21 August 2024

Asset details module

  • Each asset now has its own details module. Wherever you see an asset id number in the software, it will be linked to this new details module.


For example, from the 'Map', you can click on an asset id > you will be taken to the details module for this particular asset, located in the 'Assets' screen.

  • In this new details module, you will see an Overview, History and an Assignment section for the asset you clicked on.

  • You will notice that the asset movement history is now part of the new asset details module under 'History'. The data relating to the most recent communication from the asset will display. It will show 7 days by default but this can be changed using the 'From' and 'To' date range filters.


  • ​​Like the asset id link, wherever you see an asset history icon in the software, it will be linked to this new details module. For example, when you click on the history icon for an asset in 'Map', you will be taken to the 'History' section of the new details module.

  • The details module also shows the asset, device assignment history under 'Assignments'. It will display the 'Start date' which is when the device was assigned to an asset. The 'To date' will display if the device was removed from an asset or unassigned.

  • As well as each asset having a details module, each device now has it's own details module. Just like the asset id number working as a link to this module, the device id number also works as a link to the details module. However, the devices details module is located in the 'Admin' screen.

  • Device history is now part of the devices details module under 'History'. It will load with the most recent communication from the device and show 7 days by default. This can be changed using the 'From' and 'To' date range filters.


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